19 March 2014

Courtney Love found flight MH370?

Courtney Love? Yes, the one who everybody call as the Godmother of Grunge, who also once married to the non-survivor grunge legend, Kurt Cobain. So, how did she find MH370 which has been missing since 8th March 2014?
Did she flew around to locate it? No. Did she sails a boat? a BIG NO. Or was it using her own shaman to help her solve this mystery flight disappearance? Hmm.. I bet if she really have one, she won't use it to put her country to shame.

Well, actually she did responded to the call to search the missing plane on Tomnod.com. After a while or so and probably one or two can of beer after, she reckoned she found the aircraft and posted it on her Facebook. She even put red arrows to indicate which she determine as the plane body and oil slick on the picture.

She said to the New York Magazine, "I saw an article asked people to help search on Tomnod.com so I decided to give it a shot. I figured a plane would still be leaking some fuel so I searched for signs of an oil slick. I found one and there appeared to be an object nearby."

After the expert analyst from Tomnod studied the picture, they came to conclude that, it may be a mishap. But it still an interesting clue though. It also looked like other boats operating in the region.

Yes, Courtney Love who is famous with her post grunge band Hole after once being a stripper, a heroin addict and did rehab several times plus not to mention her attempted suicide and also have a daughter who have her eyes and face like Kurt's also unsure by saying "Well, what do I know? I'm no expert".

I hope what she said will not take any harm to the feelings of the passenger's family and friends out there. She was just doing what she does best actually. Being drunk and stone.

But still, she's one of the best in rock n' roll. Period.

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